
The mystical tradition of Europe flourished in medieval England. Rolle’s books and The Cloud of Unknowing (author unknown) still influence western Christian spiritual life. After learning about their world and Church, we will discover the deep, passionate love for God that these works can teach us and help lead us closer to Him. These works were designed to lead souls into a deeper connection with the Lord. The goal is to constantly draw nearer to Jesus Christ, and into the life of the Holy Trinity, with the desire to be truly pierced by His love.

Father Christopher Zugger was born in Buffalo, New York. A graduate of St. Bonaventure University and The Washington Theological Union, he was ordained a priest in the Byzantine Catholic Church in 1981. He was pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help until medical retirement directed him into new pastoral work. He has been presenting for Oasis for many years on a wide variety of topics.