
Discover a poetry form that employs impulse over rationality, that eschews narrative, that revels in the back-and-forth of imaginative leaps and associations. The ghazal has been in existence for centuries, but has changed significantly since its Middle Eastern origins. The ghazal has been adapted in English, by such practitioners as Bly, Hacker, Rich, and Trethewey. We begin studying the unique features of the ghazal and a few examples in English; then onto writing couplets (Sher) before writing ghazals. Next session, we workshop our original ghazals for improvement. Limited enrollment.

Scott Wiggerman, author of three books of poetry and editor of a dozen more, has served as Chair of the Albuquerque Chapter of the New Mexico State Poetry Society since 2018. He is co-organizer of the annual Poets’ Picnic and co-founder of Dos Gatos Press. A frequent workshop presenter, he was inducted into the Texas Institute of Letters in 2021.