
Newgrange in Ireland is a magnificent huge mound built 5,200 years ago. Its long interior passage “awakens” at the winter solstice sunrise. Newgrange is the center of many more newly discovered Neolithic treasures. Geophysical imaging uncovered 40 more “monuments” nearby. A drought revealed earthmarks of immense henges or circles once made of timber. In 2020, DNA from a bone of a Neolithic male buried inside Newgrange revealed that his parents mated by incest. What more awaits discovery?

Maya Magee Sutton graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, and that triggered her desire to travel and engage with other cultures. She received her Ph.D. from UNM, where she taught Celtic history and mythology. She has dual citizenship with the Republic of Ireland, and has been inside Newgrange nine times. Sutton lived in England for seven summers where she spent time exploring the legends at all the giant formations.