Denied her dream of reprising her Broadway success in the film version of Camelot, Julie Andrews (1935- ) received instead an Oscar for Mary Poppins. A year later she starred in The Sound of Music and her career would never be the same. A remarkable singer with a four-octave voice, Andrews built a career based on solid musical, theatrical and film performances, until a surgeon’s error forced her to reinvent her life and focus on acting, narration, and writing.
Jane Ellen passionately shares her eclectic interests via the marvels of the internet from her home in Central Florida’s Space Coast. Specializing in all aspects of music and entertainment history, she strives to bring her subjects to life whilst seeking to make a deeper understanding of music accessible to all. Jane’s presentations benefit not only from her gifts as a storyteller, but from a lifetime of work as a scholar, performer, composer, and recording artist.