With so few words, so few syllables, you might think haiku don’t require revision–but they do. Getting those words drafted is only the first step! Think of Coleridge’s famous phrase defining poetry: “the best words in the best order.” With haiku, every word counts, and the order of the words and lines can make a huge difference. In this class, we look at examples of just how important “the best words in the best order” can be, how small changes can have great significance! We explore numerous approaches to revising haiku, turning them from okay to good–even to great. Limited enrollment.
Scott Wiggerman has published hundreds of haiku in leading journals from around the world, including Frogpond, Modern Haiku, Chrysanthemum, Haiku Canada, World Haiku Review, Daily Haiku, Wales Haiku Journal, Bamboo Hut, and others. His haiku have twice been selected for the annual Red Moon Anthologies of best English-language haiku. He also co-edits the haiku anthologies for Open Space’s annual Poets’ Picnic.